Episode 258: 2023 Dirt Church Radio Christmas Live Special!!
Photo: Gareth Morris
Kia ora e te whānau. Gosh, it’s been a year, right? Do they get shorter and longer as we get older or is that just us. Fresh from Coviduszko, Thredbro, and Taipei, our heroes reunite with man-about-town Andrew McDowall to bring you the annual DCR Christmas Special!! Except this time, we head along to the Fridge and Flagon and the Beer Jerk Running Club at their clubhouse/headquarters. We talk through our top performances of the year … the good, the truly amazing, the wondrous and madness of this sport we love. Matt gets misanthropic then pivots, Andrew lists his big old year of getting after it and Eugene brings a rare sense of elegance and formality to the event that has been sadly lacking. We would like to thank all of you for your continued support, and wish you a festive season of love, good company, and miles of great single track.
Dirt Church Radio. Best Enjoyed Running.
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Music: Chances with Wolves
Sit Back and Enjoy!