DCR Episode 48 - Hollie Woodhouse
Hollie Woodhouse crossing the Greenland Ice Cap Photo: Keith Parsons
Kia Ora whanau!! Say Yes To Adventure is not just the title of the magazine that Hollie Woodhouse put out, it is a defining character trait. The term “Adventurer” gets bandied about a bit these days, anyone with a social media account and a penchant for camera angles can put a claim in but Hollie Woodhouse is the real deal. After growing up in the rambunctious outdoorsy way that is typical for many in the rural South Island, Hollie left the life behind for some years, until sitting by herself on the solo bivouac section of an Outward Bound experience at 28, Hollie wrote herself a letter stating that she would do something that truly challenged her every year. Fast forward 5 or so years and Hollie has completed the Marathon Des Sables, run 240km through the Peruvian Amazon, completed both the 1 and 2 day Coast to Coast events, and Nordic skied 560km across Greenland’s polar ice cap with the Antarctic Heritage Trust. Running remains a part of Hollie’s daily life, and we discuss this and many more things in this brilliant conversation. Disarmingly candid, funny, and down-to-earth, Hollie was an intensely enjoyable pick-me-up at the end of a long weekend. An adventurer and motivational speaker with a full time job? Sign us up. We don’t know if you’ve seen a theme here with our guests, but it appears that good things happen when you just turn up, and Hollie is no exception to this...Perhaps saying yes is the new black?
We’ve packed in the goodness with our other features this week, we discuss Luke McCallum’s post of Low Energy Availability, ramble on about Anna Frost’s new movie, Matt calls Andrew McDowall Andrew McDonald and then walks away in disgust. All this and more on this week’s Dirt Church Radio. Enjoy!!
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Episode Links
Luke McCallum’s piece on Low Energy Availability
Dirt Church Radio on Instagram
Aided and Abetted by
Music: Chances with Wolves
Editing assistance: Kieran Nyum-Bai
Sit Back, Subscribe, and Enjoy!