DCR Episode 6 - Brad Dixon

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Brad Dixon- Dirt Church Radio #006

Kia Ora Whanau. This week we speak to Brad Dixon, of Everfit Coaching and ENDURObeet about his journey from triathlete to trail and ultra runner, physio to coach, and why living an integrated life full of joy and balance is key to fulfillment. We discuss Brad’s approach to training, and how he will forgo quality over quantity and process over goals every time as he strives to be the best he can in his main roles as husband and father. Rather than preach or set what would be for most unattainable goals, Brad lays it down when discussing his love for cold water swimming, a plant-based diet, his approach to role modeling as a parent and his love for getting amongst it on the trails and Brad’s burgeoning love of ultra distance events.  As ever, we discuss Brad’s Greatest Run Ever and were left alternately shaking our heads grinning and holding our fists in the air. This conversation was a straight up whirlwind. Both Matt and Eugene came away stoked and reinvigorated after talking to Brad and we are sure that you will be after listening. Did we mention Brad’s infectiously joyous nature? In fact, we feel like we need to put a warning on this episode - PMA AHEAD!!! We dare you not to be stoked.


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Episode Links


Everfit NZ



Brad Dixon on Instagram


ENDURObeet on Instagram


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Our Glorious Sponsor/s


Altra Running New Zealand


Extra special thanks this week to listener and all-round great sort Andrew McDowall, who is also a sound genius and got us out of a hole.



Music: Chances with Wolves

Editing assistance: Kieran Nyum-Bai


Sit Back, Subscribe, and Enjoy!

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