Episode 266: Polly Taylor - Unbroken, the road back to UTMB
Photo: Sportograf/Tarawera Ultra-Trail
Kia ora e te whānau! 90 lbs soaking wet and with a personality 150 feet tall, Polly Taylor is a force to be reckoned with. A guide in the Marlborough Sounds, past Northburn 100 mile winner, and someone who could talk the iron legs off a stove, Polly is someone who exemplifies that maximum growth occurs on the cusp of support and challenge. What follows is a tale of triumph, heart ache, tragedy, loss, gratitude, and redemption. Eugene and Matt spoke to Polly as she toe’d the line at the Tarawera Ultra Trail 100 miler in the hopes of making her way back to Chamonix to have the chance to compete at UTMB after being run down on a pedestrian crossing cruelly robbed her of the chance four years ago. What unfolds will leave you cheering loudly – for her, and for your own best life.
Also in this episode – a rundown of the race we missed out on, Old Ghost Ultra, including a report on the ground from special correspondent Conrad Langridge. Best Enjoyed Running.
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Music by Andrew McDowall, Digicake